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Susan Bowman's Book

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The Quiet Heart

A Foundational Guide to Inner Healing and Deliverance

List Price: $12.95 PB

148 pages

March 1, 2020

Proverbs 4:23 warns us to guard the heart with all diligence because the springs of life flow from it. But what is this heart the Bible speaks of? How can it be guarded? What are springs of life? Recent developments in the fields of neurocardiology and psychology are supplying answers to these questions. And, as unlikely as it may seem, the latest scientific developments support what the Bible has long proclaimed—that whatever is believed within the human heart determines the course of a person’s life.

Weaving together science, psychology and scripture, The Quiet Heart: A Foundational Guide to Inner Healing, explains how God designed the human heart and how that design has been hijacked as a result of the fall. The author, a seasoned prayer minister, offers field-tested tools and strategies to help you discover what is hidden in your heart. It teaches how to recover your heart and train it to align with God’s truth so that you may enjoy a healthy and meaningful relationship with Him.


Topics include healing the human spirit, soul and heart; the fall and deliverance; spiritual warfare; generational considerations; learning to hear from God and more.


This gentle and practical guide to inner healing and deliverance offers step-by-step instructions along with written prayers. Thoughtful research, combined with years of experience, makes The Quiet Heart a must read for those seeking peace with God, themselves and others.


One thing I have come to understand is that everyone struggles with emotions at times and that how we deal with them will greatly affect our lives either positively or negatively.  As I read this book, I was excited to find that the writer has made it amazingly simple and yet teaches the reader how real change is possible when we follow God's principles. This is a must-read book for those seeking healing and deliverance.                                   —JR

Through gifted writing, one is guided through a process to heal those wounds that haunt us, whether we recognize them or not.  Finally! To be given the tools necessary to begin the journey to being whole, loving oneself and others.                                            —Mary Baker


Even if you have been a Christian for years, The Quiet Heart reveals Biblical truths that you have most likely never heard from a pastor. If you are not a Christian, this book will lead you into an understanding of what can await you if you give your heart to Christ.

     This is not a book of opinion. Every point that the author makes is referenced to Scripture, book, chapter and verse. These Biblical truths are nothing new, but to most Christians they will be, because for various reasons it is rare to hear them preached or even talked about. The Quiet Heart will teach you how to have your spirit and soul work in harmony, and bring you closer to the Father as you walk with him.                           


Susan is a warrior in the heavenly realms. Even if we don't agree with every issue of theology, her teaching on inner vows is not to be missed. God wants to break the chains of deception that have led to our most common human dysfunctions, and these practical guides toward inner healing are absolute gold!

—Joel Gorveatte, Lead Pastor,

Moncton Wesleyan, Canada


The Quiet Heart reveals a path of hope, healing and restoration to those wounded by life. Susan combines her experience and wisdom with tools that provide the reader the opportunity to experience unity in body, soul and spirit.

—Dr. Sherry Furlow,

The Dream Center Montgomery

About the Author

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Susan Bowman is an Elijah House-trained prayer minister. Elijah House has long been recognized as the premier training school for ministers of inner healing and deliverance. She has studied with many other respected inner healing and deliverance ministries including Restoration in Christ Ministries, Thrive Today, Shepherd’s House, Hearts Set Free Ministries, Transformation Prayer Ministry, Deeper Walk International and the Immanuel Approach. For more than 20 years, Susan has served the body of Christ as an inner healer and deliverance minister. As well as working one-on-one with believers, she teaches the principles of inner healing and deliverance for the purpose of equipping lay persons, prayer ministers and pastors to set God’s people free.

This is what I have been looking for all my life! I have been a Christian for over 60 years, and I have attended gospel preaching churches through those years. Although I have heard many great preachers, I always felt there was something missing, but I had no idea what it was that my inner self was wanting. Now I know! The Quiet Heart will bring healing and joy to anyone who reads it.

—Joe Chytil, CFO (retired),

DCH Regional Medical Center, Alabama

Susan’s section on the heart is phenomenal. What makes it even better is that she lives what she writes.

—Rev. Lori Maxey, Executive Director,

The House Tuscaloosa


If you desire a greater understanding how to achieve freedom and peace within, read The Quiet Heart.

—Rev. David DuVall, LCPC,

Lead Pastor, Renovation Church, Florida.

When applied, the practices and methods explained within The Quiet Heart bring about sustainable change, making a life-changing relationship with God through Jesus Christ possible. I have successfully used The Quiet Heart to start conversations with those who do not know the Lord and by it have led some to Him.

—Annica Lövenmark, PhD., R.N.,

Lecturer at Mälardalen University,

Västerås, Sweden

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